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200 Perplexing Chess Puzzles

200 Perplexing Chess Puzzles


Автор: Martin Greif
Дата: 1997
Издательство: Москва
Страниц: 72 стр.
Формат: PDF

Following hard on the heels of the previous four books in this popular series from Sterling Publishing - 200 Classic Chess Puzzles (1993), 200 Challenging Chess Puzzles (1995), 200 Demanding Chess Puzzles (1996), 200 Intriguing Chess Puzzles (1996) and - the present volume, 200 Perplexing Chess Puzzles (1997), is a collection of some more of the most absorbing chess problems ever devised.

200 Perplexing Chess Puzzles is intended for both the player with only an elementary understanding of the game and for the more advanced player who wishes to test his skill. Since the end game is the most important phase of chess, and a good end-game player can vanquish the opening or middlegame specialist, concentrating on these brilliant puzzles will not only provide hours of brainteasing fun, but may help you to be a better endgame player and enable you to enjoy the challenging endings and therefore chess to the full. Included in the puzzles are Pawn endings, Queen endings, Queen and Pawn endings, Rook and Pawn endings, and minor piece endings. 200 Perplexing Chess Puzzles.

Теги: 1997

Рекомендуем книги:

Конотоп В.А., Конотоп С.В.
Калиниченко Николай Михайлович
Костенюк Александра Константиновна
Всеволод Костров, Сергей Федоров
Александр Калинин

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