The queen's range and flexibility make it the most important piece on the board for attacking the opposing king. When the queens have been exchanged the position immediately becomes more peaceful and the chances of an attack diminish.
As a beginner you should always be checking whether your queen is being threatened. Because if it is lost then you have no hope against a careful opponent.
If you move the queen too early your opponent will attack it and gain time fot the development of his or her pieces,
Перемещайтесь прямо по доске, чтобы ввести решение. Либо щелкните сначала на начальное поле, а затем на целевое. Или нажмите на фигуру, удерживайте ее, переместите на целевое поле и отпустите. Кнопка "Стрелка влево" возвращает ход назад.
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In the previous positions the white king kept its counterpart pinned to the edge of the board. This role can be filled involuntarily by the losing side's own pawns. Then the king is checkmated behind the three pawns of its castled position. That is a motif which is easily overlooked in practical play.
It does not matter if you do not know how the pawns move. Simply give a check; it is mate at the same time.
Самозанятый Шека Александр Сергеевич
ИНН: 662903682585
г. Екатеринбург