Урок 4. Слон

4.1 Теория

The bishop moves diagonally in any direction it wishes and as far as it wishes as long as the squares are free. If an opposing piece blocks its way the bishop can capture it and occupy its square,

The bishop has a special characteristic. It always remains on squares of one single colour. In chess this results in many strategic consequences. It can develop some power along free diagonals but it can only ever reach half of the squares on the chessboard.

In open positions two bishops are very effective because together they can control a lot of squares. Tow bishops cooperating like this are known as the bishop pair. Because the bishop pair can work so well, in practice the bishop is a tad more valuable than the knight.

4.2 Упражнения

Перемещайтесь прямо по доске, чтобы ввести решение. Либо щелкните сначала на начальное поле, а затем на целевое. Или нажмите на фигуру, удерживайте ее, переместите на целевое поле и отпустите. Кнопка "Стрелка влево" возвращает ход назад.

Начать сначала

The black king gets in between

Here you have to go to as many squares as possible till it is inevitable that you meet the black king. Make use of the bishop's great range to reach far distant squares. Make use of your own king.

Position with pawns.

It does not matter if you do not know how the pawns move. Simply capture the piece outlined in blue by going to the a6-square.

Giving check

Giving check means moving a piece in such a way that it attacks the opposing king, in other words it could capture the king on the next move.

Double attack

Here the bishop check is linked to a tactical trick - the double attack on both the king and the knight.

Helpless pawns

Admittedly it is really hard to see all the subtle points in this exercise. No matter, you only have to spot one. The black pawns are on the same colour of square as the bishop. Take one of these pawns, that's all.
The bishop is a long-range piece but it is only able to work on white or black squares. Two bishops are extremely powerful when working together. They like free diagonals and positions where they are not blocked by pawns.

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